Welsh Sound, LLC
Serving the Mid-Atlantic and Appalachian Regions
Welsh Sound, LLC values our relationship with our clients. When you hire us, you're getting a team that will listen to you and work to meet your needs.
Live Events
We have experience with live events of all sizes. Our Live Events division offers sound reinforcement, lighting, and staging for both indoor and outdoor events.
Large multi-day festivals
Corporate events
Unique worship events
Indoor and outdoor events
Concerts of all types
A/V Install
We specialize in the installation of quality equipment that will serve the needs of the venue, the budget, and is designed for expansion to extend the life of the install. We handle indoor and outdoor installs including gymnasiums, houses of worship, theatres, sports fields, fairgrounds, and much more.
Sound Reinforcement/Playback
Video Projection and Display
Hearing Assistance Systems
Large Area Paging Systems
Theatrical Lighting and Control
Theatrical Curtains and Rigging
Rentals, Sales, and Service
20 years in the business of live events has allowed us to accquire quite a selection of equipement. We offer both single-piece gear and multi-piece packages for rent. From a single mic and speaker for an event in your backyard, to a band PA, to chain motors, truss, and moving lights, we provide affordable rentals.
We also carry dealerships for many pro-level sound, lighting, and rigging companies if you are looking for individual purchase.
Milos Truss roof
Thomas Truss
Sadly, gear breaks. While quality gear will last a long time, damages happen. We can often repair your equipement at our local shop or facilitate manufacturer service if needed.
Interested in hiring us? Want to learn if we offer what you're looking for? Let's Talk.​
Other Services
Custom Cables and Snaking
Custom Cabinetry and Cases
Education and Training
Dance Floor Installation
Box Office Consulting